Ares these scratches or stretch marks?


New member
Apr 5, 2009
1 I just checked the side of my tummy today and saw three marks in an area I couldn't of scratched because my nails are cut down.
If these are stretch marks what can I do to get rid of them? Are they from rapid weight loss? I was abit hefty a month ago and i've been cutting back on junk but not working out rapidly.
Stretch marks. It means your inside belly fat is growing to quick. I had it on my sides and bum aha. But I use Bio oil on it and rub it on the marks and use it for a couple of days and works like magic. You can find it at any drug store for at the most £10. Its a visible bottle with orange liquid inside it. I've been using it for a year so far and loving the results and recently I've found out kim kardashian uses it to!! Aha yay hehe xx
The bright red ones look like scratches, but the ones on the bottom definitely resemble stretch marks. Unfortunately, once you get stretch marks you can never completely get rid of them, but you can do a lot to reduce the appearance. I massage in Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula after every shower and drink a lot more water than I used to just to prevent future stretch marks. They're easier to treat while they still have color, once they've gone white there's very little left to be done.

Don't fret too much about it, we all get them sooner or later. :)