"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

He is going to eat a dog......

To protest the killing of a fox.....

Not sure who's side I am on here because it seems both carnivores are getting fed! Sounds like a right social Barbeque in my neck of the woods....

Possum anyone?
"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

If you're not entirely sure how much of an idiot the guy is read his Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_mcgowan

Then tell me you don't think he's a moron
"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

So this clown eats fox too! WTF?

I was with him on the breakfast deal but after that, he lost me!

ARTISTS! Freaks that never liked playing inside the lines!
"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

according to the BBC he's a vegetarian.. his stance on eating dogs, foxes and wearing a crown of sausages seems to disagree, but apparantly hes a vegetarian.
"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

I'm a vegetarian who hates cruelty to any living organism.


I wouldn't eat anything that goes against vegetarianism to make a point...there are many other ways.

You were right, pj

The man is a total tool.
"Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

Personally I think the guys a total tube. Even worse than the idiot that came up with the glass room filled with steam and called it a cloud. That's not art either. It's what happens when you run a bath or have a shower.

So what's the big deal with someone eating a corgi? People eat dogs and cats in Asia all the time. And snakes too. Not to mention the occasional tiger. And why's it on the radio? Surely a stunt like that should be on TV? And does he think the royal spungers will pay a blind bit of notice?