Atheists and Christians: What is you take on Nostrodamus?

I am skeptical. Like most prophecies (including many of them that have emerged from my own religious tradition), they are sufficiently vague enough that people can plug just about any imaginable event into them and make them fit.
Perfect for idiot documentary makers. Can make whatever he "predicted" mean anything you want.

And people think the Bible can be misinterpreted.
too vague on his prophecies. i understand the reasoning behind it, but it really makes getting confirmation of the acts a hard thing to do.
Nonsensical ramblings that can be twisted to fit just about any occurrence your like - as with the "prophesies" in the bible, for that matter
A brilliant Charlatan who used the gullibility of people for profit and managed to avoid the attention of the inquisition.
I could predict many things, i could even write them into poetical prose.

If I think hard enough and maybe write down 500, and publish them then maybe in 100 years time a few may have survived - and as soon as some future person can link an unpredictable event to one of my scripts - hey presto I go down in history as a great philosopher and prophet.

If you go looking for something you will find it - even if it doesn't exist
His writings were poems too vague to be considered actual prophecies. I think an actual prophet would be clearer.
He is as much a prophet as anyone else who has ever lived.
Which is to say, not at all.