Atheists, do you find prophecies to be a fascinating subject?


New member
Oct 10, 2010
It's just that whenever Hollywood make a movie about the end of the world, you seem to come out in your droves!!!
Yeah, because it's the atheists that believe in ancient prophecies, right?


I saw 2012 on Netflix. It had good special effects, for the most part, but the story was crap. Completely fiction.

The video games series Assassin's Creed has a storyline that relates to the 2012 "prophecies". Fantastic games, yet still completely fiction.

Aside from that, I don't care in the slightest.
2012 was a particularly crap movie that seems to have caught the imagination of millions of intellectually retarded people.
i used to, not so much nowadays, but i do still love a good made movie
who doesnt?
end of the world doesnt just mean religious people you know, we are all in the world after all

1. There are several mundane ways in which a prediction of the future can be fulfilled:

* Retrodiction. The "prophecy" can be written or modified after the events fulfilling it have already occurred.
* Vagueness. The prophecy can be worded in such a way that people can interpret any outcome as a fulfillment. Nostradomus's prophecies are all of this type. Vagueness works particularly well when people are religiously motivated to believe the prophecies.
* Inevitability. The prophecy can predict something that is almost sure to happen, such as the collapse of a city. Since nothing lasts forever, the city is sure to fall someday. If it has not, it can be said that according to prophecy, it will.
* Denial. One can claim that the fulfilling events occurred even if they have not. Or, more commonly, one can forget that the prophecy was ever made.
* Self-fulfillment. A person can act deliberately to satisfy a known prophecy.

There are no prophecies in the Bible that cannot easily fit into one or more of those categories.

2. In biblical times, prophecies were not simply predictions. They were warnings of what could or would happen if things did not change. They were meant to influence people's behavior. If the people heeded the prophecy, the events would not come to pass; Jonah 3 gives an example. A fulfilled prophecy was a failed prophecy, because it meant people did not heed the warning.

3. The Bible also contains failed prophecies, in the sense that things God said would happen did not. For example:
Joshua said that God would, without fail, drive out the Jebusites and Canaanites, among others (Josh. 3:9-10). But those tribes were not driven out (Josh. 15:63, 17:12-13).
Ezekiel said Egypt would be made an uninhabited wasteland for forty years (29:10-14), and Nebuchadrezzar would plunder it (29:19-20). Neither happened.

Also see:

4. Other religions claim many fulfilled prophecies, too ( ).
Hollywood makes movies to entertain.

people like to be entertained

you may notice that all those earnest serious chirstian productions that are occasionally trotted out, go nowhere

they dont make box office news

they dont get awards


because they are preachy and dont entertian.
As with most cult zombie questions ... yours really isnt worth the time bothering to type an answer. Yeah Im sure only atheists go to end of the world movies. It's a central part of your cult beliefs. Would think you religious zombies would tend to like that plot more than anybody else.

I mean anything that supports you ridiculous ancient fairytale beliefs is more than welcome. You certainly cant point to anything factual. Must get old spouting nonsensical verses from a 2,000 yr old book of primitive superstitions. Surely anything that reinforces the delusions and detachment from reality are welcome by members of the cult.

As for me, I've been disgusted with jewlywood ... errrr hollywood for a long time. Been griping about them spitting out the same movie plots over and over. But the silver screen is the new god in many of the western countries. God must ever dumb people down ... so they will peacefully accept their lowly position among the flock I guess.

And god must always distract people from the facts and the reality around them. Lest they actually see and understand what's happening in the world and become outraged.
First i think all prophets and prophecies are lies and i haven't seen a good movie since Sin City which came out in 2005 i hat end of the world movies just to damn boring and makes no sense like 2012 because the world does not run on one time schedule.
More fascinated by the people who believe in them but laugh in the face of the logic and reason that explains them away tbh
most people do but everything hollywood does wont be excellent film is slumdog