back to school dance

Do it, just in case something sweet happens like a fight or something, they're common at my school. Plus girls dress up pretty skanky like they're ready for the bar.
I don't go to any, I'd rather just hang with friends then dance with them in tuxedos.
Oh dang man! He sounds so hard! Don't hurt him! He's a nice guy! Don't get hurt yourself! You seem nice! Nice boy! No! You nice! Don't you're nice! Nice guy! No!
Oh dang man! I'm just trying to be nice! Don't hurt me! You're the big man! I'm sorry! Don't! No!
Dances FTL.
At my school, everyone got drunk/high then crashed the dance.
'Twas a blast.
im going
ill be 18 in 2 days, so i guess its my last chance to be able to legally rub my dick all over a girls ass that's under 16 without going to jail.
prom since your senior year. homecoming maybe if you have a date and a group. other than that find a party
wow, are you fucking kidding me? Thats dirt fucking cheap. My homecoming tickets are 25 a pop. Assuming you bring a date, thats 50 bucks in tickets alone not to mention dinner and booze and other expenses.
I never went to any dances at my school, not even prom. They just weren't my thing, and prom was just too much money for me not to enjoy it.
I don't feel like rubbing my crotch on a girl while at the same time being packed like sardines next to a bunch of other people in a small gym. And even then, it's usually a sausage fest, and very few hot girls to go/dance with.