Bad luck America

Dont bother coming mate. You obviously dont have the classy taste the rest of us piss heads have

Garlic Dona Kebab after a long night of drinking is pure heaven.
Once, on the tube home after a big session, a mate of mine was enjoying a large lamb doner with all the trimmings (including lashings of chilli sauce and garlic sauce.)

Opposite him was a toddler in a push-chair, whose mother carefully turned it round, to spare her child the trauma of watching a large drunken skinhead stuffing his face with a doner kebab.

It's proper 'cro-magnon' food. I bet they were invented by cavemen. (Just after they invented beer. )
Its a food that you cant possibly enjoy without being so drunk you cant walk. Its the best when eating it, also means you stop breathing till you finish it, so you dont spew it back up .
I can handle the tabasco, dont know about the horseradish, but WTF wit the choco milk? This is Queensland, we just keep drinking
I said not about stopping with the drinking did I. I just like milk with my b-fast. And sleep is for wussys. I'll get plenty of sleep when I'm dead.
b-fast here means BEER FAST.
About the only time you get milk here, due to the drought, is if you get laid up with single mum who has'nt finnished breast feeding has has her child abducted
Oh, I'll be there whether you like it or not.

I'll be the one drinking you under the table.

As we say on Bullshido, Gong sau!

That's probably because I don't drink piss.

Wings. Dry wings, wet wings, Buffalo wings, don't matter as long as they're spicy enough to make you sweat. And the only refreshment you're allowed to cool your buds with is a pint.

That is food meant to be eaten with beer.
Hell I'll let them win when we roll. Actually I'd be the winner, but I'll let then think what they want.
*projectile vomits everywhere* That is disgusting.. The only liquor thats allowed to mix with my Guinness is a dash of jameson on top and a shot of baileys to drop into the pint...


I thought they were still having those out in the UK? Oh well. I guess I'll skip the UK and head straight to Germany for the 1 million man Loveparade and have an afterparty in Amsterdam
I dunno mate, I was just kidding because last time I heard someone get excited about Gatecrasher was about 10 years ago! Superstar DJs are dead, man! Rock is back!!!!!!1111oneone