Ban the last poster before you post


New member
Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
So, who wants to ban me first?

State reason in a fun way and no getting out of hand with the ban icon.
Only old women should be called 'Dot'.

Right, who wants to ban my ass (There's probably going to be a fight for the privilage ).
Unnatural relationships with hampsters are against the TOS.....

Let the floodgates open.
For not knowing the difference between a hamster and a guinea pig
I think it is safe to assume that the mods of this forum will prefer that you didn't spend all your time banning one another for nekkid pics. I reckon we should all move on and ban one another for other things.
Thank you Chimp, I was going to get this thread locked.

Chimp for being the voice of reason and not changing his undies.
Ban Lily for being so sexy* but not showing us.

I assume.
Shadow of Evil, for making an ass of himself with his assumptions. I'm uglay
The lot of you for making such a dumb thread which will no doubt deteriorate into another insult and/or post whore thread.