Before Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, were there religious wars?


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Is there a lineage of spiritually driven war throughout human history?
America wants sand from Iraq not oil.

But if for oil, why not? Wars have been fought for salt/spices and in the future it will be for fresh water.

Please refrain from emotional opinions and just answer the Fin question.
there is no such thing as religious wars.

There are ideological wars. When two people disagree on a core idea they go to war to decide who is the right one. lol.

e.g. america goes to Iraq and believes they have the right to take oil from them... and Iraqis fight americans because they think america is stealing the oil. this is an ideological war.

plus most wars have been over possessions, land, oil, water, gold, ammunition, etc.
It is the Islamic religion that wages wars and conquered neighboring countries not only to enlarge their borders, but to spread Islamic religion. IT IS THE HISTORY. All this happened in the New Testament, the Testament of peace and love. The Lord Jesus did not used sword nor allowed His disciples to use it. Islam came after the Lord, but did not follow up in love but with sword.
wars werent really over religion, wars were based on power. the ancients were much more religiously accepting. if two different religions went to war with one another, it was over land not faith
^^^ first of all, Dbane has no idea what he is talking about.
Almost every war in history has been fought over religion or has had something to do with religion.
Judaism is the most ancient religion on the face of the earth, as old as humankind. So no, there's no human history before Judaism