best kinds of music sounds such as ocean waves, boat horns or other relaxing


Apr 7, 2008
sounds to listen to for sleep? I have a really hard time trying to relax to go to sleep! The only way for me is when I stay up until like 2am when my body is extremly tired and then i ''KNOCK'' out! But I noticed that when I put relaxing soft music on my stero, it actually relaxes me and start's to make me imagine thing's and the next thing you know I'M ASLEEP! What kinds of soft music would you recommend for me to listen to or types of cd's. One particular song that I would really like to relate to is called "children" by Robert Miles. Ohh! I love how in the begining of the song you hear rain and slient thunder, then you hear the wind and the piano start's to play. Music like this or special sleeping sounds What are some titles I can buy. Thanks in advance