Beware the Russian Dating Scam!


Apr 4, 2008
Well I've been researching alot about scams etc. I have actually started fighting the 419 scams after my mum was almost taken in by one.

However, there is another scam around these days. It is so effective that its actually taking alot of business from 419 scammers.

There are 1000s of victims of these scams, and so I thought I'd post about it just in case I might save someone.

If you use any kind of online dater, than you are at risk of these. Thats their hunting ground.

How do they work?

1. Well firstly you will recieve an email from a Russian bird intrested in chatting with you as she saw your profile on xxx. This message is personaised in the way that it actually has your name, and is addressed to you. This makes it 1000x of times more effective than the 419 scammers who say "Dear Sir".

2. They will chat with you for weeks maybe even months. They will send you pictures of "Them". These pictures are reused so many times that im sure you could find them on google.

3. They will send you love letters and tell you how much they long for you. They will use ANYTHING they can think of to get your really really intrested. I've seen some of their pics, and I wouldnt mind a chick of that calibre asking me to marry them.

4. They will say how badly Russian men treat them, and how they long to escape. They will talk about running away from Russia and eloping with you.

5. They will then say that they want to marry you, and ask if you would accept them to live with you in your country. They will not ask for anymoney (yet).

6. Then you will get messages from them telling you they are getting Visas, Passports, Vaccine Injections etc.

7. Then boom. "I dont think I have enough money, could you help me out my love". They will ask for assistence to get a plane ticket. Maybe the whole value. Western Union will be the way they want to be paid. Once you pay, your "Darling" Olga will never ever contact you again.

Its a very smart scam because unlike the 419 scams (that offer millions for doing nothing), this plays right for the average man whos looking for a wife. A beautiful woman, personally talking, sending you info about herself, and asking from you. Gradually anyone would feel an attaction. The amount of money asked is alot less than 419 scams aswell. It makes it more genuine, and many people fall for it.

The English is very bad from these girls. Also, they usually use a script, and only personalise it when neccessary.

Some tail tail signs its a scam:

1. They all reuse the same pictures.
2. the email address has several numbers and ends in girl.
3. The English is very bad.
4. They have trouble directly answering your questions (because its a script).

If you are unsure if its real or a scam, then google phrases out of it. You will get many sites with the letter black listed if it is a scam. Thats another reason why im posting this. The most sites that have warning the better. Not only may one of MAP's members or future members read it, but maybe someone googling it will find it.

What can I do if I get a scam letter?

Well there are a number of ways you can help.

1. You can do what I do. And bait the scammers. Gather as much personal info you can and report them. This could be phone numbers, bank details, and address they give you etc. I dont recommend this option

2. You can forward the email (plus headers) to the carrier of the email address. For example if they use hotmail. then send an email to [email protected]

3. Tell everyone you know about these scams. You may think "who would be stupid enough to fall for it". Well many people do. 1000s of people fall for it every year.

4. Do what I just did and post it on other sites.

ps. I just got a great Trophy picture from one of my scammers. Claming to be from the "New Orleans Appeal" he deserved to get pwned.

No, she believed a 419 scam she got. She is hardly the most computer literate person in the world.
i wasnt gonna say anything but it was the first thing i thought too

however nice one on the pwning NK, and keep up the campaign against internet fraud!
hmm falling for a 419 seems less foolish to me, especially if your inbox isn't flooded with them everyday, but this whole "buy me an airline ticket and I'll marry you because Russian men are so horrible" thing is genius - I'm all in favour of foolish desperate men being parted from their money
yeah NK a lot of these scams are run out Nigeria... no surprise there. Nirobbery at it again.
Oh well I'll guess I'll just have to settle for the cute Russian Pole dancer that attends my Systema class every now and then. Hard life I have at times you know
Do a web search. There are several website which contain the male and female pics and names these people use, and in some cases the multiple aliases of each person.
These Russians operate out of some very dodge province in Russia. Its the Laos of Russia pretty much.
Yes, thats the best way to find out if they are scamming you. There are numerous antiscammer sites (eg, etc that post up letters from the scammers. Quoting sections of letters will get many hits like "Russian Scam" etc.

Anyone have any requests for a sign for my next 419 pet? Perhaps "We
On the note of Russian Scams.

Here is one that is very active.

Dont think she will get many blokes. She is hardly as hot as the others, and she marked herself down as HIV positive!
5. It's a gorgeous woman asking to marry you via email.

I think that one's a bit of a giveaway
There was a big issue over here a little while ago involving these Nirobbers slip mentions.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Internet... used to have a really good overview of various Russian dating scams and how to spot them.

Congrats on the trophy photo NaughtyKnight! Great job!
Smart asses

Well I've managed to get a naked baptism from one of my baits, a cross dressing guy, a chick with a sign saying [censored] Cant post them here though.....

Shivers (site admin) got one of this baits to get "BAITED BY SHIVERS" tattooed to his arm .

Another member got a bait to travel 3000miles to pick up the "$250 000". They never met him and he was stranded in Guana for a month living on the street after the hotel kicked him out . He was still sending emails from a net cafe demanding money . He still believes hes gonna get money. Somalia is the next destination we think haha.