Bf Relationship dilemna, should I be worried?


Jun 1, 2008
I have a really nice relationship with him, he's sweet, caring, and respectful of me. It's really great when we're together, when we see each other, but when we're not together, it feels like I'm not really a part of his life. We talk to each other every couple of days and that's ok, but what really concerns me is that I only get see him once a week, if that, sometimes twice a week . It seems that this is ok with him, but I'm not so sure that I can deal with it. What should I do? I've already tried to confront him about it but it seems that the full extent of what I'm concerned about is not getting through to him, and I feel like I've done something wrong, like he's not fully interested in me, even though he has expressed interest several times. Thoughts?? Thanks.