Bittorrent running slow?


New member
Jun 6, 2008
I noticed for some time that the little green icon on the bottom has turned red, meaning that I'm not connectable or something. But i somehow fixed it, now it is yellow, meaning that there are no incoming connections, and that there might be a problem with my network configuration. I checked and Firewall didn't block bit torrent, nor the port6881(wich I'm using for bit torrent). My downloads are running mostly at about 15 kBytes/s, when before, I could reach speeds of up t to 150! I have a modem (HUAWEI K3675) and I heard that I must forward my port, but I have no Idea how to do that.

So.... can anybody help me to bring bittorrent to its former self?
P.S.: I'm not sure if that's right, but i'll put this in networking.