blackberry bold 9900 'short message transfer rejected' please help?!?


New member
Dec 7, 2013
ok so ive had this phone for almost a year and its been PERFECTLY fine untill about 5 days ago whenever i send someone something it doesnt send and has a red x beside it and under the text it says 'short message transfer rejected' like screw off what the heck is this?! its really frustrating especially for me being in grade 9 and not having a job so i cant just go out and buy a new phone. ive tried the battery pull but nothing. ive also tried switching the sms to mms or whatever but i dont know what half of the other things are and if i switch them it will do anything. i dont have a plan, it's rogers pay as you go but ive never had any problems with it before... can someone please help? i cant receive text messages either.
and idk if it has anything to do with my contacts. all the numbers are correct and stuff cause ive always been able to text the people i usually do. but it all began when i was texting my friend then all of a sudden i tried sending and it didnt work and got the transfer rejected thing then it didnt work from then on.