blu ray question?


New member
Mar 15, 2008
can a blu ray disc get worn out? like...if you watch it or scratch it up to many times, does it not have the HD quality afterwards?;_ylt=Akac_HUaamqEdFeeF6fwravsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080406212806AAcK6YG
No it I may freeze , skip or stop working. But it will not degrade the HD quality.

And if you just watch it and take care of it properly it should run just like new until the day your blu-ray player dies. Players die often before the disc gets ruined. Then just get a new player and bingo.
the quality cant wear out by watching it but if it gets scratched then it might not work right anymore
its just like a dvd exepct better. you cant take away the quality of the disc unless you scratch it and make the movie skip.

a blu ray disk will always stay as a blu ray disk.

like a normal DVD if scratched it will get all fuzzy, and jumpy, but no,

the disk will never loose it's blu ray quality
the disc is just coated in a special scratch-resistant coat, it dosent mean it will be scratch PROOF, if it was, the army would used them as ninja stars....
It is a digital medium like regular DVD's or CD's, so it doesn't wear out. If you get the surface messed up, it can make it unreadable, though.
even if u scratch it it will still function as normal, just as it is playable to watch then the quality will not be affected