Bodybuilding ligament damage in wrist?


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Im 16 and starting to bodybuild, my wrist is very very saw. I think its ligament damage, whenver i lift something or squeeze my wrist tight it is very very saw! I am at at stage in the gym where im progressing up the weights fast and seeing the gains! io have been going for 3 months and dont want to stop now! what should i do? i think I'm going to take a week off now, will i see a decrease in my muscles swell? help
OMG same thing happened to me.
i was body building with me bf.
and my wrist was really saw and i just rested it and did not move it.
in like 3 days later it was reet.

Hope i helped baby doll
If it really hurts that is your body talking to you...listen to it...take as much time as you need and start back slow. You most likely injured yourself trying to lift too heavy before your ligaments were ready for takes months (as in more than 3) for ligaments to get stronger...just take your's not a race,