Boss complains about me being polite?


May 19, 2008
My boss is a nut. She is self-admittedly a tyrant. I take a lot of crap about doing things wrong, she is always on me. If I ask a question I get in trouble for interrupting her-if I don't ask, I get in trouble for not asking. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. She threatens to fire me every other week, then says I'm doing great and she's going to keep me. You know, I can live with that. But the other day, I came in and said sweetly, "Do you have time to take a support call?" because she normally doesn't handle that but we were short staffed. She got mad and told me not to 'beg' and that it bothered her to have me come in so weak and begging.... I wasn't begging, I was just polite and sweet, I'm her assistant, and that's my personality and she shouldn't have kept me for 7 months if she didn't like that. Later she said I was being unprofessional, and described it like my voice was shaky and I was wringing my hands... so obviously her perception was off. Has anyone heard of this? I don't think anyone's voice tone should be on the chopping block unless it's rude or snotty... but being polite?