Bought iphone 4g 4.3.5 and...?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Trying to downgrade for untethered jailbreak. BUt tinyumbrella doesnt save any shsh that i download from external links. Since i originally bought it as 4.3.5, it seems to only save 4.3.5. Does it mean i cant downgrade it to 4.3.3? When i try to restore with shift and selecting 4.3.3 i get error 3194, and then i managed to bypass it one time somehow, only to run in to error 21, then 20... Is the only way to downgrade is to have tinyumbrella save the shsh? Because it seems that it will only save a low shsh if u originally bought your ipod as lets say for example a 4.2. Then you upgraded to 4.5, and then decided to downgrade BACK. Is what im thinking true? So if i originally bought it as 4.3.5 i cant downgrade it?
no, you can't save shsh files that you don't have. it's too late for you to go down to 4.3.3. the best thing to do is wait for the unthethered for 5.0 to come out.