long stor y ..this guy saw a picture of me.he said i was pretty.My friend asked him if he wanted to meeet me. he said yes.Then she was like let me take a picture of you so she knws who you are and he said no he rather meet me in person.Then my friend said they were waiting for me and he left.She asked why he left he said he got shy.Then said he would like to get to know me but he cant because he has a girlfriend that doesnt go to our school(he told my friend this) but he didnt know who i was in person. i was curious to know who he was so i asked my friend to show me who he was and i saw him..so then my friend told him i knew who he was and he just started to think.then just recently he figured it out and he knows who i am but when he passes by he just stares? why is this? what is running threw his mind?
no 9im not trying to break him and his gf up im just curious
no 9im not trying to break him and his gf up im just curious