Brand new energy efficient homes furnace barely blows any air out of


Jun 7, 2008
vents, is this normal? Dampers, and vents have all been checked and the furance filter is also been changed monthly. It is not dirty. Our house is 2,400 square foot tight bi-level built in 2010. Our 60,000 BTU one stage furnace is 93% energy efficient. We have our thermostat set on the heat setting at 68 degrees and every room is not getting warmer than 64 degrees. Our vents are barely blowing out any air and our builder is saying that everything is done right. I don't think this sounds correct being I have been a home owner before and never had this problem and I had put in a 90% energy efficient 2 stage furnace in my last home that was older and not as well insulated and the older home was warmer and kept the tempature better. We don't think this is correct what do you think?
the problem is where your thermostat is located..if the thermostat get satisfied for 68 degrees in your living room and the other rooms are 64 degrees..that would be about there a vent nearby the thermostat? if so find a wall with no vent and no sun light or any light thats directly in its path as those are determining factors as well...
Your builder hasn't got the common sense that God gave a potato. The HVAC contractor didn't do something correct.

This is a problem I had with my heating system 30 years ago. Even though the return air duct may have a good filter in it, you may have a blockage somewhere in the return air duct. That is the only common duct that, if plugged, will reduce all of the output registers air flow.

This was the problem with my AC unit two years ago. You could also have a disconnected supply duct at the air handler. Much of the air is being blown into the attic and not into the supply ducts.

Since your home is less than one year old, it can't possibly be a stopped up evaporator unless the HVAC guy installed a blocking panel to keep vermin out of the duct work.

If I'm correct, I think I'm pretty good for not being an HVAC guy. It's not your thermostat if your system is running all the time. Because the room temp never reaches the thermostat setting.