breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner recipes to 1 yr child?


New member
May 24, 2011
my daughter is 14 months old. now she i not intrested to eat solids. which recipes she would like? at this age. plstell me in detail. about brekfast, lunh, snacks, dinne recips
Get yourself a book or two. Annabel Karmel is an EXTREMELY good kids recipe book writer, and I have another very good one that I couldn't live without which is Finger Foods for Babies and Toddlers by Jennie Maizels.
I found, at this age, my daughter didn't want to be fed, she wanted to feed herself. If food was put on her tray that she could pick up, look at, and put in her own mouth, she ate it. This included small sandwiches/toast, a bowl of baby cereal, yoghurt, soft cooked vegetables, small chopped fruit, baby pasta. She loved to discover the spoon and put her hands in the bowl.. It was extremely messy but if you can tolerate that, it might mean your child puts some good food in their body!!
Yaa.. 14 months of age so she start choosing her food and they can make out taste now so you need to introduce her all the taste in this sweet,bitter,sour,light spicy all the flavours..cause she can select her favourite..
BREAKFAST:-Start with a soft fruit like banana,Orange,-take 2 or 3 three fruits so that you can go on changing them and u can make out her favourite.
give her 1 hr break and prepare scrambled egg with little salt and also pepper ,or cook some oatmeal with either Sugar or salt and add some milk or butter milk.or prepare ragi paste with rice granule in them add some curd or milk.

LUNCH:put some ghee in a pan and slightly stir rice ,all dals or ur choice of dals..after cooling them grind and store them(store these powders for only 2 to 3 days)take a bowl pour around 3 cups of water for 3 spoons of powder what you have prepared)and cook for 20 to 25 min ..check if rice and dals are cooked thoroughly.can add curd or ghee according to her choice.
you can always make separate powders of these(rice and dals)
add boiled vegetables ...mash them a little before adding into her food or can feed her separately with salt and pepper or lime.

SNACK:prepare fresh juices with fruits or vegetables ..prepare french fries(aloo)but never bake them ..(better fry a little in ghee) can give her bread (whole meal or brown)

DINNER:-for dinner always go with boiled vegetables..little mash them .don't give her much rice items in the night ..fruit yogurts and juices for dinner.let her menu be simple and light in the night.
Never force her if she rejects her food continuously ..let her select her food.they keep changing there taste..but keep observing her.
let her taste everything ..even bitter and spices also.
good luck