Bruit in femoral artery?


Jun 2, 2008
I'm a 52-year old woman and my cardiologist noticed I have a bruit (or murmur?) on both sides of my femoral artery. He is going to do an echo test in a few weeks, but of course in the meantime I'm looking up info on the internet and I'm getting freaked out. I read that my arteries could be 50% blocked, or that it could be I have an aortic aneurysm. I have been thin all my life, until I turned 51, then gained about 20 pounds over the last two years, and my blood pressure is higher than usual -- ranging from 129 to 140 (systolic) over 78 or 90 (diastolic). Nevertheless I'm freaked out, but hoping someone can shed some light on these bruits, and wondering if it could be just the way I'm built, maybe my arteries are just normally narrow there (wishful thinking). My biggest complaint are migraines, but I don't think this has anything to do with my headaches... unless someone knows differently. Thanks!