Buying a book on iTunes?



I am thinking about buying a book on iTunes for my long trip. However, i don't have many details about how it works. Do the words come up on the screen or do you just listen to it? Also i am thinking about getting The Lightening Theif so if anyone has read it or has a suggestion i can get on iTunes tell me about it!!
If what you're taking about is an audiobook, then what you do is just start up like you're about to listen to music, go into the "Audiobooks" menu, then select the book you want, and it will start playing.

The audiobook itself is actually a recorded version of someone reading the book, so yes, you just listen to it. Under the "Settings" in the main iPod screen, you can select it to either read at a "Fast", "Normal", or "Slow" rate, depending on how fast you would read a book, or how fast your brain processes stories and words.

I can't say that I've read that book, sorry.... = (