Cage Fighting/MMA help ?!?


New member
Sep 24, 2011
Ok i am 16 and still in eduvation, this is my last year of school. I have my GCSE's coming up but not gunna lie i have failed them straight up. So i wanted to start my dream of training to become a MMA fighter. It has been my biggest dream in my life, but i get put off going to MMA gym's as i am nautrally shy person and the people training i feel will be better than me ect! So what should i do ?!
Yo my n*gga.
You gotta overcome your shyness.
When I joined the wrestling team earlier this year,I sh*t on my freaking motherf*cking spongebob underwear my n*gga.
go 2 the gym dont be shy i mean theres shy guys who r very quiet who show up train hard and they may talk with sum1 they have sumin 2 talk about with but r other wise very quiet and shy.u cant be shy if ur going 2 be an mma fighter but u can be a rather quiet person
Well the first thing I'd recommend is to try as hard as you can to get your GCSEs passed. You never know, you might not fail them. Retaking them is going to be a real pain in the arse later in life, but with some effort, you might end up doing alright.
Anyway as far as the mma stuff, the best thing is to just grit your teeth and get to a class. I have been training and teaching for ages and have had loads of beginnners through the door, if you're nervous then the teacher (if they're any good) will not punish you for it. It's natural to be a bit nervous at anything you're trying for the first time so don't worry about it. I had a new lad in class shaking the other week as we were starting, I just put him at his ease and when we started training, then he was fine as he got into it.
Once you start going, you'll realise that its nowhere near as bad as you first thought, most martial arts classes are friendly to beginners and the members want to help out the new guys. If you don't get down there, then you'll never be an mma fighter, so just get in there!
A couple of tips though, firstly don't act like you know it all in there. Some people do this because they're nervous, some do it cos they're just idiots, but all that will happen is you'll get people's backs up and will look stupid.
Secondly, don't just watch. Turn up and train. It is far more fun and rewarding to get hands on than just to watch.
Good luck!
School has to come first man that's all I have to say about that

As far as the gym goes, every guy at that gym was new at one point they didn't come out of the womb arm barring the doctor. So think about that when you walk in. The truth is they will be better then you but what would b the sense in joining a gym where u were better then every one? The guys with experience and skill will be able to teach you the most so you should always look to train with fighters better then you. These guys won't go 100% on u they will go at ur pace and help u build ur confidence and skill to a higher level. So just take a deep breath and walk into the gym open to a new experience and ready to learn.