Calculus Anyone?

I'm in AP Calc AB this year (junior) and it sucks. The first semester I got solid B's on everything, but this semester is impossible. I'm so fucked for the AP test in 2.5 weeks.
wow. AP Calculus,eh? If that is all you have done, you are pretty much part of the 99% of ST who you say doesn't know the study of calculus and its uses in life.

Proving my point. That is not fucking calculus. That is the ability to comprehend simple fucking math. Calculus is not trig functions. Trig functions are little things you are supposed to know off the top of your head so you can do calculus.

Thats not trig. There are values for derivatives and integrals of trig functions just like everything other variable and number.

I would use integration by parts.

U = tan(x)
dU = sec^2(x)dx
dV = tan^4(x)sec^4(x)dx
V = sec^8(x)

therefore, the integral is tan(x)sec^8(x) + integral of sec^8(x)sec^2(x)dx

Then the integral of sec^16(x) = tan^8(x).

So your answer would be tan(x)sec^8(x) + tan^8(x) + C

There are also other ways, where you could turn the tan and sec into certain values and a few other ways, but that seemed easiest to me.

Also, not 100% sure that is right. I only have like 60-70% in my first year university engineering calculus course.
yeah cause anyone in here was bragging about how smart we are or looking down on people. maybe we were just wondering who else takes similar classes.
yeah. marine/mechanical, same thing.

i've heard thermo and fluids suck but i'm not sure if i have to take a finite element class. I've been good in math so far so i think i'll be alright.

i can't wait for my next physics and chemistry classes tho
Which AP Calculus are you taking. At my school, they offer two types: BC and AB. I am currently in 12th grade, and chose not to take AP Calculus but instead take Calculus with Application (which is like honors). Long story short, I chose to take AP sciences rather than math.

However, my girlfriend is taking BC calculus which is higher than AB. She is REALLY smart, especially in math and sciences, and she is having a hard time in BC and needs to be dropped down to AB. Once you fall behind in the class, especially in the beginning of the year, you are basically screwed for the year unless you can learn the material by yourself.

So if you can handle it now, go for it, but if youre like me then you should just wait until college.
I took AP Calc in HS, got a C-
Taking Calc with business apps right now in college, I have around a 92% right now.
Yeah seriously.

I have taken it thought. I am more of a discrete math person myself, but calc wasn't bad.
For the jackasses calling me "high and mighty" cuz of my first post, the reason i acted that way is cuz ive been here for a while and i know ST and how retarded people can be on it.
So i was getting to the point of it.

(My school offers Honors Pre-Cal, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC) Anyone know if you take honors pre-cal get by passing and take AP Calc AB, that you wont have to take anymore calc in college.
(im getting into the medical field so i wont be working with high levels of calc)
Thing is im really smart and math was my best subject like it just clicks for me, and im saying its hard and im probably gonna fail because i have not been payign attention to class since beginning of second semester so i missed all the primary trig stuff which we are building on. IDK if its to late to catch up on it.
Not my fault you're a fuckin douchebag and couldn't figure out i meant that I could take it by the end of highschool.

jesus christ, get your head out of your ass.
For what it's worth, I'm actually in Calculus now as a sophmore. Next year I'm gonna take pre-calc :dodgy:

Precalc as sophmore - AB as junior - BC as senior --- Does you high school have five years?
hey touch you dont have to be a smartass.
Im taking Honors Pre-cal right now my sophomore year, my junior year im taking AP Statistics and then senior year im taking AP cal AB then AP Cal BC.

You may be asking how? well exactly how i took Algebra 2 and Honors Pre-Cal my sophomore year.

isnt that what you use to figure large math problems like 12 times 34? it has buttons on it and a little screen...
I realize that, I'm just pissed off at the world because my saturday has sucked. I'm a sophmore now, and I'm taking "math analysis", which is pre-cal and AB calculus. Next year I'll take AP BC, and senior year I'm taking multi-variable calculus.

Good attitude. That'll get you places. :p