Can anyone argue Pro-Hitler?


Jun 14, 2008
Just for arguments sake, can anyone see the logic in his Ideals. ( Im not a NAZI, just asking )
I did have to debate for Hitler In college: It was totally voluntary and if anyone took offense we did not have to participate. Anyways I debated that Hitler single handily turned a economical disaster and then a third world country into a World leader with many economical resources of its own (aside from the thefts of antiquities from other other nations). He found a way to unite all of the people of Germany and gave them hope in the mist of despair, and he created a single new nation on its own (East and west Germany, get it, LOL).
Jews have infiltrated every religion. How do you think Christianity got started? It's a Jewish tool. Who do you think practically owns the US? Jewish leaders. Who do you think starts all the wars? Jewish leaders.