Can anyone tell me what my dogs weird behavior might mean?


May 11, 2008
I have 2 dogs-they are brother sister from the same litter and are absolutely inseparable.

Recently the brother dog got very ill and spent 3 days in the emergency. Tonight I brought him home all better.

At first the sister dog seemed happy to see him, but while she was sitting next to him 5 minutes later, she all of a sudden snarled and what looked like attacked him aggressively.

She snarled very mean-like and chomped down on him on the side of his face. I scolded her and she stopped, otherwise I don't know what might have happened.

He wasn't hurt but it looked very viscious and she's never acted that way before. Can someone tell me what the heck this means???
Could be a dominance issue. It could also be that your female believes he is dying and is trying to put him out.
If it's just a 'one off', I wouldn't worry about it too much.
But keep a careful eye on her.

You did the right thing, by scolding her.

It's possible that he smells really wierd after being at the vets and she is reacting to that.