Can Evolution and Religion coexist?


May 23, 2008
I mean, I believe that God created life in simple forms... as in on Earth everything began as bacteria and eventually became much more complicated life forms. Sure that intervenes with the Adam and Eve story, but I always thought that sounded like a fairy tale. Then to go further, another example is there's Nebula's in space which create stars as science has seen, so it's like God's machines.

Yet when I explain this with my Christian friends they think it's ridiculous and won't even think about it. What do you think?

In case you're wondering how I came up with this, I'm a Diest. I believe God exists but He does not intervene with human life.
Neil: "Deism is a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme natural God exists and created the physical universe, and that religious truths can be arrived at by the application of reason and observation of the natural world." So yes, God can intervene in the universe.
Neil both our statements contradict. Makes no sense if we got it from the same source.
Here's from the deism site itself "Do Deists believe that God created the creation and the world and then just stepped back from it? Some Deists do and some believe God may intervene in human affairs." So it's both ways, God doesn't intervene or sometimes he does (thought not under any Bible stores or other religious factors).
Goo to man evolution is contrary to what God has told us in his Bible. Many times God told us animals will only give birth to animals of the same kind. The Bible says there was no death or suffering before man sinned. The order of creation is contrary to that of evolution. The only type of evolution you'll ever see is of variation within animal kinds. Anything else is unproven.
Of course. The bible says God first created the heavens and the earth (the stars, planets, etc) and then created animals (dinosaurs, bacteria, simple life forms, etc) and then people (Adam and Eve). Theist evolution viewpoint holds that evolution is simply God's tool. But there are still many Christians who believe in the young earth and disbelieve one of the most significant theories of biology--which just boggles my mind.
"To listen to the words of the learned and to instill into others the lessons of science is better than religious exercises."

"With knowledge man arises to the heights of goodness and to a noble position associates with sovereigns of this world, and attains to the perfection of happiness in the next"

"Whoever seeks knowledge and finds it, will get two rewards one for desiring it, and the other for attaining it; therefore even if he does not attain it, for him the reward is one"

"The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr"

"Philosophy is the stray camel for the Faithful, take hold of it wherever ye come across it"
-Prophet Mohammad
If you think God intervenes in the universe even to create simple life, you are not a deist.

edit: "Deism holds that god does not intervene with the functioning of the natural world in any way..."

My computer gets Wikipedia, too. No creation of life in that scenario, just set the universe in motion and let it be.

edit: Nothing about the statement you reference contradicts this one. Nothing in that one says God intervenes.
You're about to get some rude comments from atheists. We already had this posed to us today. By the way I think you're right.