Can I still get pregnant if I douche after sex?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Just kidding!
Thought I'd give you all something to "Ugh!" about so early in the morning.

My real question is....
My son, who is 6 and a half months old, seems to turn red when he has a bottle. It looks like a sunburn in some places, and then is kinda blotchy, like a rash in other places. I've only noticed it on his face, and it's only when he has a bottle. What is this? Is it normal for babies who switch between the bottle and cup?
I said I was just kidding.
I'm not stupid.
That's not even the question I want answered.
Well you totally grossed me out anyway!

As regards your son, thats a sign of reflux! It's like when you yourself have heartburn, it makes your eyes water and your eyes go red! It freaked me out when it happened my son but doc said thats what it was!
is he sucking too hard, like turning red from the effort? or do you mean like an allergy maybe, could be allergic to latex or if youve switched formula brands or maybe u should switch formula brands. couldve been just what hes eating these last few days. detergent you wash the bottles with? my twin boys were breastfed never used (just rejected the nipple after waiting to late to introduce it after breastfeeding them) bottle and went straight to sippy cups for everything else at 5 months. my daughter did fine with bottles (started her earlier) and she still used a sippy cup at like 5 months.