Can somebody pleaseee help me!?!?!?!?!?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Okay, I was sitting on the internet and I was bored so I typed it some game's to play online. I went to a website (I don't remember the name of it) and they had a lot of really cool game's. When I clicked on the game I wanted to play, this pop up came up on my screen saying " TROJAN DETECTED " Then this virus protecter called WinPC popped up doing a PC scan and it said " TROJAN 2.0 DETECTED " I freaked out a little. Another pop up came on the screen in the lower right corner of my laptop screen saying " FIREWALL WARNING. WinPC has detected that somebody is trying to transfer your private data via internet. We strong reccommend you to block the attack immediately. " I clicked block attack and my safari browser came up. I had to enter a credit card number to block the attack and sign up for WinPC. I don't have a lot of money. I don't care if it was just $1. Can somebody please help me? I don't know what to do. I have to exprience in computer's. I have a gateway by the way. Thanks!
I meant I have no exprience in computers
It isn't fake. I've had 3 window's popping up in the lower right corner of my screen saying that someone is still trying to transfer my private date via internet. It even show's the remote host transfer IP.
I haven't entered my credit card number and I'm not going to. It's expensive to sign up to keep my computer protected. For total lifetime protective it is $100.
The scans were fake, they were just pop ups they didn't scan anything! It would say that if anybody went to that website. Call your bank or credit card company asap and cancel your card, they will most likely send you a new one in the mail.
HAHAHAHAHHAH thats halarious i sure hope your joking though about entering you credit card number!

and by the way im pretty sure WinPC is fake!!!!
Report it to the credit card company and report it to the police. It sounds like your computer has been compromised. From now on, remember, you can turn the computer OFF. (the switch, not the icon)