Can this past tense sentence be used for the future meaning?


New member
Apr 2, 2009
1's not good grammar,

If you were, for example, saying this to a secretary who has been taking your morning calls and you said,

"If someone called me, please tell them I was not home."

It would not make sense because, that person called, past tense, they are no longer on the phone...the secretary can't tell them that you were not home...

I guess it could make sense in a weird situation where someone was going to be bumping into some people who may have called you a day earlier and you could say that to them as a warning, but

If you are talking about future also wouldn't be grammatically correct

because called is past tense so even if you were saying: "hey Janet if someone called me tommorow, would you tell them I wasn't home."

It would be a past tense sentence, you would be reffering to a time after the phone call and so the phone call would be in the past tense...

is that what you're asking?
It doesn't really sound natural or correct: "If someone calls me, please tell them I am not at home" (or better still "..that I am out")