can you get 50cc twist n go sports bikes?


New member
May 13, 2008
i was really interested in getting a 50 cc sports bike but am scared about using gears and they cost too much, does anyone know if 50cc sports bike appearance twist'n'go bikes exist?? and if so what are some good ones you can get??
many thanks, beckie :)
As said the Gilera DNA is a twist and go with motorcycle styling.
However when you do your CBT (compulsory basic training) course you will probably be using one of the company's bikes as getting your own to the course is lots of hassle. This course is to teach you how to ride safely and is designed for complete novices so they will teach you how to ride a geared bike if you want meaning you can then choose whichever bike you fancy the look of whether auto or geared.
If you enjoy the 50 your CBT is valid for a 125 cc if you want to move up to a larger bike at 17 (I'm presuming you are wanting a 50 because you're 16)
Ignore the 'don't get a 50 they're so slow' brigade, yes a 50 is slow (30 mph) but then so is a 125 compared to a 1000 cc bike... a 50 gives you independent transport and if you look after it a second hand one won't lose much value as in a years time there will be plenty of people in your position of wanting a first bike if you want to trade up to a 125.
Good luck :)
Gilera DNA 50cc, It's automatic with a motorcycle style.

Edit: Gears are actuly easy to learn, it will become natural in short time. I had no idea how to do it either until I watched a few videos on YouTube. After watching the video, I managed to ride my geared machine without stalling it and I was used to it in a couple of hours or so. I also reccomended this video to a friend and it helped her out alot. Check - - Video quality is not great but you can see what's happening.
As already mentioned, there is the Gilera, but tbh that's the only one I know of. 50cc "sports" mopeds usually have 5 or 6 gears.

My advice is to wait until you are 17 and buy a proper 125cc motorcycle rather than waste money on a 50cc rich-kid's toy - unless you are a rich kid. I know a year is a long time to wait for a teen, but a 125 costs only fractionally more than a 50cc and has so much more power you won't believe the difference.

I would describe learning to ride a motorcycle with gears and a clutch as "complicated and difficult for two hours". That is to say, when you do the CBT (compulsory basic training) you'll struggle when you first get on the bike, but then the technique will just *click* and you'll be changing up and down the gears without even thinking about it.

Be warned that getting into motorcycles is expensive, it's not just the cost of the bike you have to worry about, it's the insurance - which will be very expensive for the first year or two. There are plenty of 125cc motorcycles to choose from, I'd recommend any modern Japanese bike (but not Chinese) and two of the most popular are the Honda CBF 125 and the Yamaha YBR 125.