Can you get a virus on your computer from downloading music from Ares?!?


May 25, 2008
i know limewire gives you a virus because it happened to me and i had to spend a lot of money fixing it, but i heard about Ares and i was wondering if anyone could tell me if its safe or not, thank you so much =]]
you can get a virus from any website. unless it is somthing that you trust a lot like itunes because if they get a virus on your computer you can sue them
I used Ares for about a year or two. It CAN give you viruses. You just have to be careful what you download.. usually it lets you know if its unlicensed or not. if you have a good antivirus you shouldnt have to worry about it. cause it will usually let you know that a file is corrupt and automatically stop download. I havent gotten any viruses from it.
You will need to just buy security(spyware type thing) feature for your computer. Downloading anything can cause a virus no matter how much you try, those hackers find a way. P.S. There should be options to use a "do not share" or something like that it will not allow the net to access your downloads for people to download off of.
Well downloading music files from any website/program can give you viruses.
I use Frostwire for about 2 years and haven't gotten a single infection.
I didn't get one because I was careful about what I downloaded. No programs, files that are under 2mb, documents, etc.