can you give me 1 legitimately responsible reason why cigarettes are legal?


Active member
May 13, 2008
they have no benefit on the public, and only serve to be addictive and harmful to the live of those addicted to them.
yah a few of you are strongly misguided
and im sick of seeing my parents smoke. everytime they light up i have to go to the other end of the house and shut the door becuase the smell is disgusting. and i hate breathing their cancer causing smoke
The same reason you can buy a gallon of booze or a car taht goes 200 mph.

We are free to do what we want, even if it is not what YOU want us to do.
They are legal because everybody is making BIG BUCKS off them. The manufacturers and politicians could care less if everybody died from their use as long as they make money from them.
So where do you draw the line? There are all sorts of risky... even dangerous... behaviors that serve no "benefit" to the public... and yet they are perfectly legal: racing, rock climbing, sky diving, bungee jumping, cliff diving, participating in a hot dog eating contest, drinking games, etc., etc.

You can't wrap everyone up in a big protective cocoon, my friend. We have the RIGHT to be stupid.
There is no legitimate reason for cigarettes but the answer is TAX DOLLARS! If you don't believe me just try to take or bring more than one carton of cigarettes into or out of Canada. As a professional driver I've had to deal with the security that comes with transporting cigarettes and you would swear that you were transporting Gold or the President of the United States. It's all about money regardless of how bad they are for the public.
The law enforcement would be a nightmare. Remember what history says about prohibition in the 1920s. People would willingly break the law to smoke, and they would find plenty of people who would provide them with cigarettes.