Canadians getting married on vacation?


May 23, 2008
We've decided (a few months into the planning) that a big wedding is just not our thing. Luckily all we've spent money on is my dress (which I am taking on vacation.. it's too beautiful not to wear once!) and a small amount of decorations (which we will use at the bbq). A day away from putting our deposit on the venue and we came to our senses!! Horray! Soooo we are planning to go on a vacation (which we never get to do!!) and get married on the beach just the two of us. Then when we come back throw a casual/loew key bbq celebration. How do we go about doing this?? We aren't sure where we want to go yet.. it depends on what deals we find when we get time off work. Have any Canadians married abroad.. what kind of legal things have to be done.. I have no idea where to start. What are you experiences? Also where is a nice place to go?