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Yea, I am sure you are. So where did you take your CFSC and CRFSC? Go ahead, list some firearms you own. I have been handling guns since I was 12 years old.

And are you seriously this arrogant and retarded? Or are you just trolling?

You got to be Chinese or Asian. If you are, please, get the fuck out of Canada. We don't need anymore FOBs in this fucking place.
hahah your absolutely right for once! I couldnt give 2 fucks about football in any shape or form, i dont even have a team i cheer for, but i still went to the Superbowl, and had tickets commoners like you would pay 5000$ for :p

umm..ok? obviously im not amongst the people driving the LP640's or 500,000$ bentley's but I do very well for how old I am, and i have a good time doing it.

im 23
Haha, sniper is so fake. Just like so many other people in Vancouver. They all want to look rich when in reality their not.. Mostly the Asians.
You'd think at 23, one could learn how to properly hold an argument. Not attack trivial things such as grammatical errors or irelivent tragedies such as 9/11.

I think you are a troll, or definitely one of the saddest mother fuckers i have met on the internet.
Hes probably an accountant or something who makes 55 grand a year and thinks he is rich. I am willing to bet 75% of the shit he says "he has" was bought with credit.
the fact that he's lying about the superbowl makes me think he's lying about every thing else.
also your birthday on your public profile doesn't match the age you said you are.... you have no reason to lie about being 27 when your 23...something isn't right.