Cat acting strange need help!?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
We adopted a cat about 6 months ago and from day one I have hated this cat. We have kept her around because my 4 year old loves her. This cat is a constant meower she never shuts up. Wehave aother cat that we have had for 5 years that we adore he NEVER meows! Well a couple days ago she (the new cat) got down in the basement she came back up (with alot of coaxing).
Well now she sits at the basement door and cry CONSTANTLY!!!!! Its beyond annoying! Keep in mind our basement is nasty. It unfinished, wet and moldy. There is no reason she should want to go back down there.
I am at the point to where if she doent stop the constant crying at the basement door I am going to give her back to the people we got her from.
Any clue why she might be doing this?
Some cats are just talkative. It is normal. I loved it when my cat talked to me. I would talk back and it was fun. Enjoy his personality.

Maybe there was a mouse or rat in the basement or even a large spider. Any of which would be tempting to chase around.

I recommend you give the cat back b/c it is apparent that you don't like it and cats can tell when they are hated.