CATARACT -- Need some advice 1 month after the procedure?


New member
Oct 28, 2008
I had an intraocular lens implanted on Dec. 3. Obviously, the first few days I saw lots of halos and light streaks. They slowly subsided but never went away. Actually, I believe they are getting worse, especially at night. Most lights have halos and even in moderate light, I see a kaleidoscope like effect that is perfectly circular when looking at lights.
I used my eye drops as directed and had my second follow-up two weeks ago and was told everything looks perfect. Upon asking WHY these disturbances seem to be getting worse, I was told the cataract was so bad (it was totally opaque), that my retina will need time to adjust. My major question is why are they getting WORSE? I emailed my PCP and he asked for them to check if a "film" or membrane is forming around the new lens. Wouldn't they have been able to see that during my last visit? This is getting frustrating! Thanks.