Catholics what do you think of Veronica Leuken's 'Bayside prophecies'?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Since Catholicism lays claim to authentic messages of prophecy from the Theotokos the Fatima sightings in Portugal and Lady of Akita sightings in Japan examples par excellence

What do catholics think of Veronica Leuken's sightings in the bayside area of New york?The sheer number of sightings and the detail and verbosity of the 'messengers' is astonishing.

Most catholics would disagree because the one of the prophecies among hundreds says the papacy is filled with the devils's stooges ever since the 1950's. Anyway to cut the long story Catholics beleive these sightings are from God or the Devil playing wolf in sheep skin/Pied piper ?

Oh and also how ominous are the St Malachi prophecies(assuming they are true) if indeed the papacy has only two figureheads left?
she is obviously delusional . It reminds me of two naked guys running through the park....anybody could see they're nuts !