Christ followers, what does the church?


New member
Jun 25, 2011
Christ followers, what does the church mean to you. To me it means people worshipping Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
you have to:
1)feel bad for your sins all your life, but not to the point of depression
2)drink blood of Jesus and eat body of Jesus in orthodox church in order to go to heaven
3)reject new documents, chips, world passport, tattoos, ufos, barcodes, etc.
4)avoid going into a ufo to be healed by demons
5)eat raw green leafy vegetables
6)stay celibate
7)hide in a village with 7-15 orthodox christians per house to escape getting chipped and 666-isotope-ray-lasered
It means He is the head and the church is His body.
two or more are gathered He is there
do not forsake the assembly or the gathering together with the saints.
A club
a social services vehicle
a place for AA meetings
a place to network
a venue for concerts
a resource for food banks and kitchens
a place for charitable organizations to get started
a place to meet with others who have similar faith needs
a place for liturgical experiences
to me, the church is where we all ... christians ... gather together to worship God, it is a family event.

God comes down and be amongst us,
we .. the 'sons of God' ....
God, our Father.

like any human parent, you know how happy a father feels when his whole family and extended family comes together . When one child is missing, the parent FEELS it.

God is like that, believe me.
We believers ARE THE CHURCH. NOT a building.
We are to worship the Lord Jesus in the beauty of the Spirit.
a place of gathering.
Some there for Jesus, Some there for social, Some there to get money, Some there to gain access to people such as politicians, Some there to grow the church, etc.

I wonder who are sheep and who are goats.
I wonder what the 1st cent church was like.
Christ built His church upon St Peter (the Rock) who, if you read any of th gospels is the opposite of a rock. He betrayed Jesus 3 times, Jesus was so fed up with him another time, he accused him of being Satan.

It is upon this weak person that Christ built his church.

Those who claim to be strong cannot be a part of it. Those who are too proud, those who are sideliners, (don't get involved) ....people like that can never become the church that Christ built.