Christians: are we judged right after death or after the second coming of christ?


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I always thought once we die, we either go to hell or heaven depending on how we lived. I didn't know all the dead will wake up after the second coming. in other words, I thought judgement was immediate after death. I just read an article on this with supporting biblical scriptures. Also only the dead in christ will be raised incorruptible while those in sin will suffer a second death? What does it mean then when you see a ghost which I have seen or when you dream of your dead relatives? How is possible to see a ghost or a dead relative in dreams if the dead know not anything and can no longer communicate with us?
I see my dad often in my dreams, so what's that all about? How about testimonies you hear of people who died briefly and went to heaven and hell?
Thanks Chris. I am a believer of Christ, but just need clarification on this topic. I'm confused.
The Bible teaches that those with extremes of faith or lack of it (the evil) go immediately to heaven or hell after death.Those with acceptable faith will go to heaven only at the time of the Rapture.Those with moderate levels of non-faith will be sent to hell only after the Judgment which will occur at the end of Jesus' thousand year reign.

Demons create images of ghosts and sometimes dreams to deceive us so that probably explains your experiences.