Christians: Besides to bring the unsaved to Christ, what is the purpose of the Bible?


New member
Jun 14, 2008
What's it good for?
Why did God give it to us?
In other words, what's it's purpose?
More than anything the Bible is an instruction book,in essence an "owners manual".For instance the reason that Jesus' disciples spent so much time explaining in detail the miracles that Jesus created,especially miracles of healing,is so that we will know how to bring the same spiritual intervention into our own lives.

I'm guessing to have a solid record of the Gospel to avoid misconception.... at least that was the original purpose. Yeah, that didn't work out too well.
It's all about controlling the masses.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
It's a guide."

Talking snakes and donkeys, anyone?
John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us...

We are also told that the reading of the Word shall not come back void. So we are partakers of Christ when we immerse ourselves in the Word, and we know that scripture is called to remembrance as needed for those who trust in the Lord. All the more reason to review it thoroughly on a recurring basis.
To show us how to live in peace with each other and how to live victorously without hate, predjudice, blame, self-pity and how to respect and believe in something that is real...I mean people have been becoming Christians for thousands of years, don't you think if there was nothing to this, it would've faded out by now.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
2 Timothy 3:16
It's to guide us in our ways while we're here on earth, and to protect us by making sure we know right from wrong. It's like a letter, hand written by God especially for us. The Bible is also Truth. But most of the time people try to twist what the Bible really says, and it always ends up badly for them. :(
The Bible is Gods love letter to mankind. Anyone who wants to find God and understand Him and His attributes and His reasons for life cand find answers in this Book. It's primarily given for believers as the scriptures are spiritually discerned and most unbelievers will not understand the Bible because their hearts must be changed in the process of being born again. Then it's like the blinders fall off the eyes and everything is clear. It won't happen unless a person is truly seeking God. This is why most people who call themselves christians don't show any sign of a change or being different that anyone else. It's because they're not. They have not been changed. You ask what is the Bibles purpose but I say life has no purpose without it.
It's His love letter to us. It is His instructions on how to live our lives while here on the earth until we are taken to our real home with Him. And most of He gave us His Word so that we can have a personal relationship with Him and come to know Him and love Him the way He loves us.