Christians is Christ lying to us or?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Does He mean what He says"If you love me,Keep my commandments?" John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:2,3, Rev. 14:12, Rev. 22:14 and there are a lot more. and in 1 John 5:3 "For this is the Love of God,that we keep His commandments:and His commandments are not grievous."

The Strong's Bible Concordance is full of Pages that talk about Gods Commandments in KING JAMES BIBLE. This seems very clear to me but why do " A Lot"of Christians think Christ is lying?and He does not mean what He says..Just curious...and this is for Christians Only Please..Kindness is always appreciated. Thanks.
The teachings of Jesus,in this sex-crazed and war-mongering society,require a complete change in mind-set and behavior for many,so it's much easier to just ignored them.

I'll never forget an answer I received from a professing "Christian" who I asked why he supports racial discrimination when Jesus taught us to love our neighbors.He told me that he does love his neighbors.That's why he wants black people to live in a different part of town! :damn fly:
No Christ is not lying, but many Christians call Christ a liar that's for sure.

Jesus Christ has given us two very important Commandments in the New Testament to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind etc and to love our neighbour as ourselves. (Matthew 22: 39 & 40), and of course Christians keep HIS commandments. On these two hang all the Law and the Prophets, so by keeping these Commandments of Christ we are keeping them ALL by love.

No Christ is not lying and He does mean what He says because he also says, "If you love me keep My Commandments," so we do; and also He says in Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me "Lord Lord" and do not DO the things that I say?" (Luke 6:46). Therefore, it is all about what Commands Christ has given us to obey in the New Testament. We Christians don't believe Christ is lying and we do keep them to the best of our ability and as long as He gives us strength and help.
The bible is what is called "Faction" A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!
man, has added an enormous amount of:do's&don't to gods words. example: you can't drink(wrong),you can't smoke(wrong), you must go to a church.(wrong),you can never sin again(wrong),womem are not alloud to teach or speak in church(wrong),you must always forgive everybody no matter what they have done.(wrong),you can't gamble.(wrong) you can't wear short skirts.(wrong). get the point? we are to follow the 10 commandments,to: the best of our ability!(god knows were human,and jesus said:whosoever says he has no sin is a lier and the truth is not in him)! when jesus said:if thy brothet hit thee turn the other cheek. that did not mean to let someone continue to hit you or abuse you. it ment , you can hit me but im not going to change my beleifs. when jesus said: give all you have to the poor. he was saying :help others as much as you can. not give every piece of property,money,etc. that you own. also jesus said: to be like him! read exactly what jesus said to people. he was not meek as we preceive the term. he told people exactly what he thought of them.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Christ doesn't lie, ever. Christ is the Truth. You know that already. It is by Christ's law-keeping that the many are made righteous, through the shedding of His righteous blood. This is the Christian's confidence and all his hope is founded upon Jesus Christ the Righteous, and Him crucified. He died for sinners, and rose again for our justification. By His stripes we are healed.

Having begun in the Spirit, we are not now being made perfect by the flesh. The flesh profits nothing. It is the Spirit that gives life. The Spirit is He who testifies of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit is the Author of the Scriptures. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. For the LORD resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The law of faith excludes boasting. Looking into the perfect law of liberty, we behold His face, as in a mirror, becoming like unto His glorious image. Not by fleshly ordinances of "Do not touch", "Do not taste", "Do not handle", for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes.

The one who loves Christ will seek to obey Christ in all things. Those born of God's Spirit have the Spirit abiding in them and do not need that any should teach them to love God, for they will love Christ according to the Spirit that is in them. Nor can any man compel another to believe by teaching law, for the law cannot save. The law reveals sin and speaks to those without Christ, and those who seek to be justified by law will not obtain that which they seek.

Galatians 3:10-11
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourself. It is the gift of God. Free Sovereign grace is given to hell-deserving sinners. In me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing. No good thing. It is only in looking to Christ, the Author and Perfecter of my faith that I live by faith. Faith in Christ. Faith in His blood, in His righteous life, His sacrificial, propitious, atoning death, His resurrection from the dead for my justification, His holiness my own. Union with Christ is necessary. All the merits are of Christ. There is no merit in my law-keeping. Christ is all and in all. He is my righteousness, my sanctification and redemption. It is His righteousness and not my own that avails for me. God bless every one.
Can you keep His Commandments? OF COURSE you can't... It's impossible, we are sinners...

If you could keep them, there would have been no reason for Jesus to come to Earth and die for our sins... So what could it possibly mean? Is Jesus lying to us? Does Jesus lie? Does God sin? No, no, no...

Obviously, it must mean something more along the lines of... Your intent is to keep His commandments... You purpose in your heart, NOT to break them to show Him that you love Him... To obey is better than sacrifice...
Yes. The evidence that someone loves Jesus is that they love God with all their heart, soul, body and mind. These same people also love their neighbours as themselves. The problem with that is, nobody but Jesus Christ knows what love is therefore, Christians must be letting Jesus Christ live their lives for them, through them. If they aren't, then how can love of God be real?
I don't think Christians think he is lying, but we all sin, we are not perfect that is why we need his grace and mercy. We cannot save ourselves through being perfect, but we must at least try out best to serve, honor, and represent him. Not always easy on this world of sin and suffering.
Christ never lies - that would go against His very nature. That's hard one as Jesus' only commands were Love the Lord Your God with all Your heart, mind and soul and love Your neighbour as yourself. Those are the only commands He gives us in the New Testimenent and are the hardest to keep. Thankfully we have a very forgiving God, who gave us freewill not to fillow Him at certain times when we go our own way, providing we make our way back ri Him in the end.
God bless