Christians what do you really think about the Jews and Judaism?

I think of Jewish people as regular people. Just because I don't agree with their religion does not mean that they are not people. It is like asking what Jewish people think about Christians. And yes, Jesus was Jewish but he created the true religion of God, Catholicism
You need to be more specific about the "strange stuff" you have seen. Jews are just the same as everyone else and Jesus was Jewish
The Jewish nation was God's creation. God called them His people. Until they solidified their beliefs that became Judaism-- a legalistic relationship with God and man.
There are many Christian Jews. They have written some of my favorite books. (Bodie and Brock Thoene) Orthodox Jews are very judgmental and are cruel to any Jew who claims Jesus is the Messiah. Much like they acted in Jesus day. Many are secular and don't like the religious aspect of Judaism at all. All in all I think they have cheated themselves of great blessings by rejecting Jesus as Messiah, but will come to change their minds in one day as it is written in the Bible when He returns and they see His nail pierced hands and His pierced side. They will mourn for Him as they would an only son.
I ... on my mother's side... stem down from Judaism. My family did turn against Judaism in favour of Christianity, but my grandmother calls a Christian a "completed Jew".

I think they are much like children, who stay in the former ways. They lack understanding to grow.
What do you want someone to say, What do you think of Baptist and Lutherans. Jews are a very cultural people with high standards and very business oriented..Have you experience a situation that included the whole Jewish race.There re goo and bad in every religion.Quit singling out a specific race.