Christians, why did Christ not write down his teachings himself?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
Im a Christian and I was just wondering why Christ didnt write down his teachings, his own words, first hand, directly into a book to avoid and misinterpretation? Would there have been a reason for this or could he have done this and it maybe got lost over the years?
1 God made angels to serve Him ... yes or no.
God made man to _______ ? serve Him, yes or no.
Jesus is God. Should He get down to the nitty gritty of things like writing the bible for us?

Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

what does the above vs teach us ?
that God's Word is opened ONLY to christians.

are you aware that God is omnipotent ie. 100% powerful .
tell me, how is God powerful IF He cannot keep His Word inerrant ?
but since God is 100% powerful, means He will keep His Word -- holy scripture -- inerrant.

your words are claiming that God is not up to being God, that He has no control over scripture, that over the years, the bible could have evolved into the words of man. This tells me that you've never experienced God, never knew Him , nor do you know and study His Word.
Maybe God did it that way so we would have "real" and "fake" Christians. Maybe the fake Christians are the false prophet.
Christ preached among the poor, the labors, the sinners.

He interacted directly face to face them. His mission was to create love between hearts.

He has written everything on the face of the world..not by His divine love and acts.
Similar to a manager or a owner of a business who uses they secretary to write out their thought or idea