Christians: Why do you allow God to dictate your morality?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Don't you have any spine to stand up for yourself?
My Redeemer Lives:

If that is your definition of love, then I do not want it, have you even read the Old Testament? Or the threats Jesus makes in the New Testament?

There is no love in the biblical deity.
You obviously have no idea what the bible says judging from your words.
christians listen to god and accept his morals because he vreated life and the human body and has the right to tell us how to use those gifts correctly.
the thing atheist fail to realize is that morality is taught. not evolved or just learned by yourself. this is proven by the fact that you don't have to teach a person how to be bad but you have to teach a person how to be good and just. God gave us a moral guideline to follow because without it we would do what ever we wanted without any type of moral conscience to convict us
cuz god says we need to kill gays and disobedient children by stoning them to death. its the morally upstanding thing to do cuz the bible says so and the bible is his word AND infallible! so there!
Dictate morality? God is a pretty good role model i would say. There is nothing spineless about being a good person.