Christians why do you take advantage from science, if so many scientists are


New member
Aug 17, 2009
atheists? according to Christianity, who does not accept that God is an antichrist, deserve hell, is a lost, immoral, a follower of the devil.

For example, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were not Christians, we know clearly that they were pantheistic, many of the technologies of today come from Albert Einstein's theories which had improved the theories of Isaac Newton.

for example the laser beam is developed based on theories of Albert E., the laser beam is used in many applications, many of them medical, dvd, laser printing, etc just to put a few examples.

Bill Gates is an atheist and why do you use a Windows pc? or office?

is a contradiction that many Christians criticize atheist but they take advantage from their knowledge.

why God would give capasity to an atheist for the benefit of mankind?
if are things from devil , why do you use it?