Christians, would you be ashamed to have Christ overhear your conversations?

because I know that we all fall short I know that if any christian says they arent ashamed sometimes there a hypocritical bible contradicting Christian, which is to say not Christian at all
How can I be ashamed when I thinking crazy things constantly. No I'm not ashamed. I just think negative spirits, drugs, and alcohol can cause you to have negative thoughts.
No. I am not ashamed of what I say, do, or think.

I'll ask Him if He comes to see me. If He does approve, I'll smile and keep going. If He doesn't, I'll improve and become who He wants me to be.
Great question!

Of course we all know the obvious answer that we are all prone to the moment...I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God.

What about you?

Might you answer your own question in the edit section?
1. Sometimes, yes

2. Sometimes, no

...but the Holy Spirit is quick to convict me of my wrong thoughts and actions and I am quick to bring them before God for forgiveness and strength to deal more effectively with life's irritations.
I think everyone talks dirty sometimes, I know I curse like a drunken sailor(<--LOL my grandma uses that expression) in my mind. He would not be happy. He'd be *pissed* if he saw some of my answers on here.
God know each of us inside and out and will guide us and show us the way.I'm not sure of all the Unnecessary Questions that don't guide people to Christ. Even after we are saved you will sin and you will never be perfect.That's just the way we are, we were borne in sin. Just remember to always pray for others and to concentrate on what god wants from us. Bring people to know Christ. Negative Christians aren't seeing the big picture when they get on face book and say negative things to all there friends. Think of ways to say thing's to others that are positive to help them to find Christ if you think they don't know how to be Saved. Language are expressions of the way we feel and are just a form of habit that we have been raised with.It's a bad one just the same but it will be changed with help from god. So if you use a curse word in a certain sentience are you going to hell. I think not. let us not over-think all that god is trying to teach us. To love one another be good to one another and treat others with the respect they deserve. God loves us and will guide you if you ask him for help, its that easy. God Bless All That See This. Think Positive , Remember to read your Bible to help your Faith and Pray for others. !
i would not be ashamed of my thoughts and manner of speech, i am what i am and i am nothing more, or less.

i would NOT want to have guile in my life or secrecy in my heart.

ive been through this mind/heart introspection.
When a Catholic attends confession in essence the Lord is listening, here is where Matthew 16:19 is noted with authority.

God bless'
No, why?, because i am aware of God being around me all the time 24/7.
When we accept God as our savior and give him our heart mind and all of thee above then he sees the humbliness and starts changing us and is pleased to see the progress we have made
but if we are doing wrong things, then yes. To be honest i have done many mistakes and now they are scars into see what God has changed in me and as long as you do what God's will tells you to then its going to be alright.
God Bless you :)