Cigarettes could be SAFER?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I thought about this and it brings up an interesting point... Cigarettes contain of course the main ingredient, tobacco, but what sparked my interest in me asking questions is why do tobacco companies place other substances in with it? A lot of things in tobacco cigarettes contain unbelievably stupid things such as rocket fuel and even rat poison. Tobacco is a natural grown plant that unlike most natural plants you can actually ingest by smoking it, if you were to take out all of the other substances and leave inside every cigarette 100% straight tobacco, would it be a lot safer? I mean you don't see people putting rat poison or rocket fuel on marijuana plants, and that makes smoking marijuana about 100x safer. So to shorten the details of my question; why do tobacco companies put unnecessary substances in cigarettes? Why not just leave these substances out of tobacco products? Would it, or would it not make it safer on a big scale or even a little scale?

----This is for educational purposes---
They don't actually go and put rat poison and rocket fuel into cigarettes. However, some poisons that naturally occur in the creation of cigarettes match the main ingredients in rat poison or rocket fuel. You're basically asking, "Why do we put skunk's gastrovascular juices into weed?"

Anyway, most chemicals put into cigarettes are added for flavor. When the cigarettes companies first came into the market, people bought them for the taste.
please leave from using cigarettes...if you live with cigarettes, you will have to suffer a lot.
even though they do add plenty of extra chemicals the plant it self contains hundreds if not thousands of other substances and chemicals and those alone would not be healthy, Most of the additives are for flavor, nicotine to hook you and additives now to make them fire safe> Inhaling smoke is not a natural healthy occurrence. If you smoke quit if you don't don't start
They don't actually add rat poison or rocket fuel to the tobacco.

The chemicals found in most cigarettes occurs naturally in the tobacco or are introduced during the growing period.

Tobacco is basically just a poisonous plant.
Cigarettes would absolutely be safer without all the additives. The additives, mainly, keep cigarettes burning when they aren't being puffed. They also help to mask the harsh taste of straight tobacco.