Cigarettes smoke contains carbon monoxide,?


New member
Mar 30, 2009
why do you think carbon monoxide is in the smoke ?

why is smoking bad for you health ?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is in cigarette smoke cause cigs burn an incomplete combustion (orange fire) so they produce H2O CO2 and CO unlike a complete combustion (blue fire) which produces H2O and CO2. also cigarettes contain some 4000 chemicals including rat poison, tar, cyanide, and formaldahyde. to name a few injesting cleaning chemicals is actually healthier than smoking
carbon monoxide it present due to the fact that the carbon inside the tobacco and paper is not completely oxidized. this product is bad for your health because the carbon monoxide deprives the body of oxygen by attaching itself to oxygen receptors in the lungs and inhibiting their oxygen recepting function. Carbon monoxide is not the only bad product formed during the combustion of tobacco in fact there are many many other ones that are alot worse.