Civilian trial once again lets terrorists get away with mass murder...can you hear


New member
Nov 18, 2010
The Rags laughing? 224 murders,with no conviction on ANY of them...are obama and Holder going to let them all go? does this even register with liberals?
Read the article: he was found guilty on one count and will likely face life in prison.
Why would they laugh about one of their brothers being held for years without trial in a military prison on the suspicion of conspiracy? Seems like they would be crying about it really.
He would have been convicted had they not tortured him . The testimony not allowed was AFTER he had been tortured . Any good lawyer will have a field day with that ..Guess Holder and his team got a F on this one .
Of course, our legal system is so corrupt the terrorist will get away with murder now. We've been a laughing stock for a long time now.